Gabriel Guarino

Gabriel Guarino M2 Solution Specialist - 5 certificates Expert

Photo of Gabriel Guarino

City: Santa Fe

Country: Argentina

Not associated to any magento agency in Santa Fe

Certification Registration Date Certified Certification Duration
M2 Solution Specialist 4653617 08/18/2017 2765 days, 19 hours, 43 minutes
M1 Solution Specialist z20lam5074 09/01/2014 3847 days, 14 hours, 58 minutes
M1 Developer y54lam5138 02/24/2014 4036 days, 13 hours, 31 minutes
M1 Developer Plus z20lam506f 09/01/2014 3847 days, 12 hours, 29 minutes
M1 Front End Developer z20lam5072 09/01/2014 3847 days, 11 hours, 27 minutes
