Sean Breeden

Sean Breeden M2 Solution Specialist - 5 certificates Expert

Photo of Sean Breeden

City: Port Orange

State: Florida

Country: United States

Not associated to any magento agency in Port Orange

Certification Registration Date Certified Certification Duration
M2 Solution Specialist 4636529 08/15/2017 2768 days, 6 hours, 5 minutes
M1 Solution Specialist 0g0dtt023p 07/09/2015 3536 days, 11 hours, 20 minutes
M1 Developer va4dtt50e5 03/13/2012 4749 days, 12 hours, 23 minutes
M1 Developer Plus 31342775 04/21/2015 3615 days, 13 hours, 26 minutes
M1 Front End Developer 3759941 02/08/2017 2956 days, 14 hours, 29 minutes
